Build stronger relationships with personalized coaching

What is coaching?

Coaching is the process of walking with individuals through the journey of life in order to better manage frequent struggles in their relationships. This process requires one to recognize the current hardships of the relationship in order to, over time, mend those hurts. Having an outside coach to come in and provide an expert third-person perspective can provide life-changing insights on a marriage/personal growth and development and careers!

Why is Marriage Coaching Important?

Marriages are not always easy but they do not have to be a burden on one’s life. Marriage coaching cannot only improve a hurting relationship; it can also prevent a relationship from going downhill in the first place. Marriage coaching is important in order to take a step back and recognize the problems that are occurring and coming to terms with them. Marriage coaching will allow you to sit down with an experienced expert and have a personalized plan to improve your marriage.

Is Marriage/Life Coaching worth it?

Many individuals say that their marriages and interpersonal relationships are improved after working with a professional coach. With the personalized coaching that you will receive, you will realize the weaknesses in your relationship and learn coping skills to help overcome those challenges. One of the most important aspects in life is your relationship with friends, family, and your spouse. The earlier on in life that you contact a coach, the quicker the common struggles will be identified and mended.


"Nicole gave me a perspective I wasn't seeing. With her gentle guidance and assurance I was able to restore an important relationship."

— K


What sorts of people have a relationship coach?

People who need direction, help turning the ship, and those struggling in their marriage/relationship and just need help obtaining the relationship they covet.

In addition, those looking to expand their career, grow professionally and need some encouragement, some direction, some ideas, look towards a career coach to help them achieve their dreams.

What ages are your clients?

I have clients from early 20's to late 60's and every age in between. There is no rule about when you need to stop growing and learning as a person.

How much do you charge?

I have an initial consultation fee of $80 and then sessions continue at $80/hr.

Where do we meet?

We can meet wherever you are comfortable. I have a dedicated, private home office space located in Linden, Virginia or we can meet in houses, coffee shops, online.

How can I pay?

You can pay by cash, check, Venmo, Cash app, Zelle, PayPal.

How many sessions are needed?

Only YOU can answer that. We can work together to achieve manageable goals each week.

What if I am struggling in between my weekly sessions?

I am available throughout the week via text/call to give you the boost you need. This is personal for me too, just shout, I am here for you!

Start your journey today.